Friday 17 April 2015

After The Party

We see the newlyweds in a rare moment together. Drea needed to work on his Athletic skill - and work off those Snowflake Day pounds, whilst Sophie sat quietly reading.

 Drea: Are you watching?
Sophie: In a minute, just one more page.
Drea: You said that five minutes ago. What are you reading?

She smiled sweetly.

Sophie: Guess.

She flipped the book up to reveal the title. Drea grinned broadly.

Yep. She's pregnant! She's been given time off work to put up her feet and enjoy her pregnancy. And she does so with great finesse!

Upstairs, Shannon is really really pleased at being a grandma to be, so she decides to paint a large picture - for herself ... but mainly for the baby. Hespa, still feeling awkward around her adopted family, feels more comfortable chatting online instead! At least there shouldn't be another fire. Hespa successfully upgraded it to being fireproof!

Considering that they have a butler, she is one lazy lazy Sim. The table is still full of all the food from the party and the fridge is leaking a green mist that can only tell us that the food is off in there too!

And where is she during this time?

In bed. Dreaming of teddy bears!

Nessa, isn't happy with the state of the bedroom. The floor is still filthy from the fire, and they've moved everything as a big hint to the butler to get her butt into gear and clean it up. But nothing's come of it yet.

So, Nessa, under great duress and a lot of grumbling, decides to clean up the laundry.

Nessa: we're paying someone to supposedly do this ... and I'm the one having to clean up!

She was even less pleased when she saw the state of the dining room.

Nessa: Something's got to be done about the butler. This .... is ridiculous.

Although, being a Slob, the mess didn't really bother Drea all that much, when he grabbed a plate of leftovers. It seems that his best laid plans of keeping fit and eating healthy, went right out of the window!

It was his first day at work and his attire was ... unorthodox to say the least. plus, he managed to magically grow his hair too!

Oh here's another piccie of WIP with the property. I was tired of seeing the portal standing there in the front garden so I built a carport and placed it on the top. It can still be accessed via a ladder.

Stay tuned for more....

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