Sunday 30 June 2013

Chapter Twenty - Ogling the Girls at the Gym ... or Better Known as Keeping Fit

Austin never fails to surprise me.
Here he is, re reading that book his boss gave to him.

Looking mighty smexy there my lad!
Why thank you. Apparently girls like guys with a little intellect.
Oh, really?
Sooo, where are your glasses?
Ah right.

You DO know that since you've been promoted, you've also got to work on your athletic/body skill too?
Oh darn.
That means only one thing.

Hitting the gym.

(it's also a great way of meeting folks and getting those reports sent in)

And so Austin, on his days off, would find himself trying out the workout equipment in his ... um 'colourful' athletic outfit (I think it suits him)

However, a bunch of Sims decide to switch on the tv and do a little cardio workout. Effectively putting him off!

So many jiggling bits to look at - he sighs.
Just saying, that's all.

Next door was much quieter, so he went in there and joined a pretty Sim in a strength workout instead.

Haven't I seen you before?
Sure I have. My gift giving party!
Hey, aren't you the guy who stripped off naked and streaked around the place?

Anyways, he soon got fatigued and had to stop.

He had yet another long standing wish - to paint 5 wall murals. So I obliged him this time (that wish is getting annoying, am tempted to cancel it, but it has a fairly high rewards points to it and nothing else comes close)

At least he hasn't been arrested again. Guess that young cadet got the message!!

Chapter Nineteen - Snow Day and Kissing Without the Mistletoe

Snow Day arrived and with that, the option to throw a gift giving party.
Since there was no furniture, it was pretty easy to place the gift pile.

Also, this was the one and probably only, chance for Austin to fulfil his locked wish to 'kiss Shannon'.

But first. Completely and utterly out of the blue.
He stripped naked, and started streaking around the place!!

Much to the amusement and disgust of his arriving guests.

Did you see that?
Yup, he's the guy I work with.
You poor thing.
No, not really, he's quite entertaining ... in his own unique way.

Finally, all the guests arrived (plus a few gatecrashers) and planted their gifts on the pile. It was quite a gathering really. Work colleagues, people he'd interviewed.

He wished for a buffet table, but didn't get the chance to fill it as the time to open gifts was almost upon him.
So, whilst everyone gathered, he sidled up to Shannon.

I've been thinking.
(Shannon hovers)
Oh hell, why not? Please don't hate me for this but......

He grabbed her and planted a 'heat of the moment' kiss on her lips. Visions of what happened the last time he used that kiss flashed into his head at that precise moment, and he wondered if history was going to repeat itself right here, right now.

Shannon gasped and stood back, stunned.

Before grabbing Austin and pulling him in for a little more passion. And all this, without the use of the mistletoe!!

So .... you like me then?
I've been waiting for you to do that for a long time Austin.

Hopefully this will kick start their budding relationship, as so far, it's been a bit - well to be honest a deflated balloon ....  flat.

Anyways, time to open the presents.

Austin hoped that Shannon would like the retro lamp/sculpture thingy/whatever that he'd carefully chosen.

But nope. She wasn't impressed. Guess you'll have to try harder next time Austin.

Someone got the pile of poop .... or was it some coal? Guess they've been naughty this year ROFL, I think it was the green haired kid!!

Austin's pretty excited.

Not only did he get a chess set (that's the bog standard gift as far as I'm aware).

But he got a guitar too!! Maybe he can learn to play and serenade Shannon at some point?
Just thinking ahead here ....

And Peanut just happened to arrive and barked at Austin.

What's he doing?
Oh he's just letting you know he's not happy with you.
Because you haven't given him any attention all day!

I thought that was just too cute ... really.

Saturday 29 June 2013

Chapter Eighteen - Inappropriate Much?

As part of his job performance, Austin has got to question folks and submit his reports using any means necessary.

Yeah, you're not kidding there ...
Shush, let me tell the story.
Hey babes I've LIVED it, I should be the one to tell the tale.
No and that's my final word.
Bummer (Austin slinks off)

Well, this is what happened.
I can still tell the tale!
What part of 'no' don't you understand?

Where was I? Oh yeah, one of the investigations.
Austin almost slept in for work. He had just enough time to have breakfast, he had to skip his shower because he thought he could sneak one at work. Unfortunately that wasn't to be as he finished work, even stinkier than usual!!

His job performance had hit a standstill because he hadn't been keeping up his reports. So I decided to send him to one of his neighbours.

A young kid answered the door.

Hi sonny, are your parents in?
Um no.
That's good because I really need a BIG favour.
Uh, sure.
Can I use your shower? I really stink here. There's a green cloud hovering around me.
Um, o-kay. Anything else?
Yes, is it okay to question you?
Never mind, where's your bathroom?
Um, upstairs to the right, can't miss it.

So yep, Austin shot up the stairs and headed towards the shower. The kid didn't even blink.
I was half expecting him to complain and say that Austin was acting inappropriately and he'd have to leave.
But nope.

Washed and smelling fresh, he wandered back downstairs to chat to the kid and ask him where his parents were and how did he feel about being home alone.

I'm not, I've got my sister with me.

Yep, sure enough, there she was, sitting on the porch, doing her homework.

Austin grilled this poor kid for what seemed like ages, until he finally got what he was looking for ... whatever that was.

Got a computer?
Yeah, it's in my kid brother's bedroom.
Mind if I use it?
Sure, go ahead.
I'm kinda feeling hungry here, don't mind if I grab something from the fridge.
Um, dunno.... er ... o-kay?

Now this is one of those occasions where you are absolutely CERTAIN that your Sim is about to be kicked out of the house.

Austin autonomously headed for the kitchen. Helped himself to a juice. Changed into his SLEEPWEAR, before plonking his butt on one of their settees to sit and drink his pilfered juice!!

Inappropriate much??? I'd say so.

By then, this kid's parents had arrived home. And surprisingly, not one of them, ANY of them, complained about his inappropriate behaviour. Instead, they all headed to bed!!!

He marched straight upstairs to the computer and started writing out his report. I'm guessing the kid there wasn't too happy about a stranger being in his bedroom and taking up his online gaming time!!!!


Austin STILL wasn't happy with his report though.
So he headed outside to rummage through their bins.

Hey, look, this bin's got two lids on it!!!!
Just dive in mkay?
Ewww stinky.

Keep looking.
I've just had a shower. I'm going to need another one when I get home!
Get anything yet?

Oh god, I hope nobody's looking, this is sooo embarrassing.

Next update: Snow Day!!

Chapter Seventeen - A Good Reason Why You Should NEVER Buy a Bonehilda

Austin wanted to 'hang out' with Shannon, so I obliged. After all, he lived right next door to the Dragon Tavern, so why not make full use of its facilities?

It started off well, with him autonomously making a snowman whilst he waited for Shannon to turn up. But the wish to start a snowball fight didn't go down too well. Apparently there wasn't much room to fling a cat. I thought there was but meh.

It was cute seeing the two of them together. But NO flirting wishes from Austin.

What's up buddy? Cat got your tongue?
Just waiting for the opportune moment, that's all.
You've had plenty of those!
What's the rush, having far too much fun here.


Anyways, the 'social outing' turned into a date, with even LESS chance of flirting with her. All he could do was throw compliments and hope she took the hint. Love how her wings are luminous against the dark winter's night!

She ended the date because she was 'tired'. Personally? I think she was getting a bit frustrated with him. I'm pretty sure she's waiting for him to make that first move, and if he doesn't any time soon, she'll find someone else!!

And as for Bonehilda. Well.
All she ever does is read in bed.

Brush her teeth and gaze at herself in the mirror, squeezing imaginary spots from her non existent skin and smoothing on face cream (are you hiding something from me here Austin????) onto her bony skull!!

At one point, after coming home completely exhausted, Austin found he couldn't get into bed because she was there!!

At a risk of seeing him pass out on the floor, I had to get him to ask Boney to 'pose for a pic'. before she would get her lazy ass off the bed! I know it's breaking the rules but honestly? She'd been there all day and there wasn't any chance of her  moving any time soon!

Friday 28 June 2013

Chapter Sixteen - Your Plumbob Matches the Decor!!

The gifts are coming in thick and fast from Shannon.
The majority of them are expensive paintings.
I guess she doesn't like the idea of him using his own version of decor, to prettify the walls

I recoloured his bed.

And look!!

His plumbob matches the decor!!!

As you know, it's Mid Winter now, the temperature has plummeted. There's snow on the ground and thick, heavy clouds are threatening to dump even MORE snow over Dragon Valley.

So what does Austin do/wish for?

Skinny dipping!!

It's below zero out there, you'll freeze your ..... whatsits off!!
It's invigorating!!

Yeah, I'll bet it is!!

Some gratuitous pics of Austin in his police uniform.


And he finally got the police cruiser he was after.

Thursday 27 June 2013

Chapter Fifteen - Shannon

Invites came thick and fast and Austin DID try to attend at least one or two parties. However, they always seemed to arise when he was working, or he was far too tired. However, when Mason Sackholme organised a 'formal' party, he just HAD to go. Hobnob with his boss and grab a few opportunities to question folks there too!! It was a win win all around!!

So, when he arrived, who should be there but Shannon, busy chatting to a vampire no less!!

He instantly targeted her - Shannon that is.

"They're giving me a cruiser!", he gushed, "isn't that cool?"

"Congrats Austin," came her reply, "well done!"

Cue heavy awkward silence

  .... oh god I wanna kiss her soooo badly  ....

 "Um ..... hope you don't mind but I'd like to conduct an interview with you. I know it's inappropriate because we're at this awesome party but ..... I'm hoping to reach Vice Squad soon and I need to get in as many reports as I can."

"Sounds good to me, now what do you want to know?"

Plus, it's a great way to monopolise her all evening!!

Good thinking Austin. You just need to overcome this awkward shyness you've suddenly developed.

"Soooo, you're a Family Sim too!"

"That's right!"

"Isn't that wonderful?"

Oh god, my throat's gone dry.
Keep it together Austin, you're doing well.
I wanna hang out with her. I really do.
Oh psst, wish locked for now mkay?
Okay, thanks.

Not once, in all the time he was mooning over her, did he ever roll a wish to flirt, even though we all know he's madly in love with this Sim.

The only interruption - and diversion he had, was from Mason's little doggie Peanut, who demanded treaties from Austin. Who dutifully obliged because he wanted to brush Peanut, and to do that he needed to boost up their relationship a little.

Plus, it was earning serious brownie points with both Mason AND Shannon. Showing that he had a caring side to his nature.

He eventually had to leave because he was exhausted and it was getting late. His report on Shannon would have to wait until after work the next day.