Saturday, 22 June 2013

Chapter Eight - It's Not a Party Without a Little Drama

I want a Pool Party.

Excuse me?

It IS Leisure Day, yes?

Um, yes.

That means .... a Pool Party!!

One problem. No pool.

We can use the local swimming pool? I'm pretty sure that'll do just nicely.

I'm not so sure about that. Just look at the Megaphone wish. That didn't quite work out as planned.

Yeah well, we can try again.

So, I organised a 'Pool Party', inviting just a couple of people - namely Shannon MacAnna, in the hopes that the two of them would hit it off pretty soon.

But then, disaster struck.
It rained, heavily all morning.
Great. Just what we needed.
Big nasty heavy thundery showers to dampen the spirits of this public holiday.

However, not to be deterred, the party went as planned. Everyone gathered at the pool, in the pouring rain.

Hey, good party isn't it?

Teagan MacAnna: Yeah, I guess so.

Attempt number two with the megaphone wish.
Austin declared his love for Shannon once more.
This time, right in front of her. Bless her, she was flattered.

But the damned stupid wish still didn't work.
By now, growling to myself, I was close to cancelling that wish, but stopped.
I have no idea why. But I thought this was cute. Shannon thinking about some new recipes.

Which spurred Austin into making some hotdogs on the barbecue.

I waited to see if he'd manage to burn them, but nope. They came out almost perfectly.
Not bad for a beginner really.

And then he went about tagging floors, in his sleepwear, hoping that nobody would notice.

Alas, that wasn't going to last long.

 Before then, he decided to hold a rant. In the public toilets - and finally managed to fulfil that 'use megaphone' wish!!!

The police turned up and arrested him.

But I work for you guys now!

Doesn't matter, you shouldn't be defacing public property like this. Not even you are above the law.
I'm fining you 1,000 Simoleans and presume that you won't be doing it again.

As the officer drove off, Austin suddenly had a wish....
... to send her a text message!!!

*slaps forehead*

 Oh by the way, the party was a moderate success, and as Leisure Day came to a close, the locked wish actually vanished from the control panel. So effectively  it was - to a degree - a mild success!

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