Thursday 22 October 2015

Big Break!

If there's one thing you learn about the entertainment industry, it's that you'll never get anything done if you sit on your lazy butt. Which was why, when Sophie heard about the talent scout/proprietor searching for new talent at the Big Park venue, she knew she just HAD to get her feet under the table.

So, she hyped herself up for this meeting, by tormenting the life out of poor Pat, who was NOT amused in the slightest.

It was quite a role reversal actually, and made a change from Sophie getting it in the neck from Pat.

The long cold spell had finally broken and there was a warm front approaching, melting all that snow. Nervous, Sophie in her haste, dashed to the Big Park for an impromptu Sing-a-gram/audition, and forgot to eat anything beforehand.

During her performance, her stomach growled so loudly that she flushed furiously, wishing the ground to swallow her up. But the proprietor laughed it off and told her that he thought she was good enough to have her own performance.

"Don't forget," he said wagging his finger, "Mondays, 7pm, don't let me down ... and don't forget to eat. We don't want you passing out on us on the stage."

She stepped up onto the stage and looked around, not believing her luck! She was going to be performing here!

The stage props were sparse, but they'll have to do until she could afford to create her own setting.

Sparkle Fae was going to be HUGE!!!

Side Note:

I have NO idea what that ring of light signifies ... AT ALL.

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