Monday 12 October 2015

Hespa Ventures Out On Her Own

First of all, here's a gratuitous picture of the deceased Austin Powers, making himself at home in the lovely little turret room on the third floor. He had an obsession with that rocking chair, and it spooked practically everyone else in the house, so I decided to build him this little nook.

Anyways, going back to the present (and catching up on 6 months' absence from Simplay), I decided to check in on our little group.

Despite Hespa being painfully shy and feeling awkward around strangers, she wished longingly to go to university. After all, her LTW was to have 5 degrees under her belt. Now that was a challenge I was happy to explore (besides, who said that the Wishacy was heir/heiress exclusive?)

Sophie caught her checking her phone, looking at some courses that she fancied.

Sophie: Hope you're going to tell Nessa
Hespa: Oh, she'll be fine with it.
Sophie: I hope so.

Dragon Valley was in the throes of one of its worst winters on record ... ever since record-keeping began the last couple of hundred years ago. And despite the new technology of keeping homes warmer, Hespa couldn't help feeling that she needed to be somewhere a lot warmer. Many times spent in doll form, soggy wet and damp for weeks taught her that one.

Besides, apart from Nessa - who was constantly busy with her singing career now - nothing was keeping Hespa at home any more.

She submitted her application and kept checking the mail on a daily basis, half hoping half wishing she hadn't done this.

Until finally, she was accepted. There had been a bit of a disaster in the university administration concerning the applications. Some students had duplicated their applications and had ended up with two sets of courses, which confused the poor administrators. They mistakenly thought that all classes had been filled.

After a little juggling around, they managed to find a place in Business Studies for Hespa. It wasn't her first choice, but at least she was on her way there!

Nessa was surprised to see a familiar moving van pulling up outside their home. In all the excitement, Hespa had clearly forgotten to tell her bestest friend.

Until now.

With suitcase in hand, she sheepishly told Nessa of her plans. Nessa wasn't too pleased about this, but she couldn't be angry with Hespa. She'd been there through some of the roughest times, when nobody else could be.

Nessa: Um, well ... good luck ... and try not to party too hard.

Hespa threw her a withering glare.

Hespa: Really? You think I'd be out there partying?

She gave a low chuckle before hopping into the van. She turns to see everyone waving her off. Only Nessa stood there, her hands limply at her sides. A small frown on her face.

Nessa: *whispers* Bye ... missing you already ... don't forget to call me.

Even their mother picked up on Nessa's mood.

Shannon: Nessa, she'll be fine.
Nessa: I hope so.

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