Wednesday 4 November 2015


 Andrea came back to earth with a bump. He was not pleased. Neither was the elder alien who accompanied him home to make sure he arrived safely in his own timeline.

In her eyes, he was of inferior stock. But, the pollinators weren't picky - they'd try anyone, as long as their program was successful.

So, when he passed out cold from exhaustion, she left him there and headed back to her mother ship.

He thought that nobody had witnessed this event, and tried to sneak back in the house without anybody seeing him.

How wrong he was, as he spotted his mother in law, sitting at the table, waiting for him. She'd been sleeping in the fairy bungalow outside and heard everything.

Shannon: Want to talk about it?

He shook his head. He'd rather not, thank you very much. Instead, he wolfed down his cereal and made his way upstairs, hoping to have a good night's sleep.

The light was on and his heart dropped. And even more so when he heard the plaintive wail coming from his daughter.

Pat: That kid's noisy
Sophie: I know
Pat: and stinky
Sophie: I KNOW, that's what they do
Pat: Hate it already
Sophie: Well tough, deal with it, I'm tired.

Andrea rolled his eyes. Sophie's behaviour was strange to begin with and her obsession with her Imaginary Friend ... was now becoming worrisome indeed. Perhaps this was her way of coping with loss? He didn't know. He just hoped that insanity didn't run through the family. It couldn't get any weirder, that's for sure.

Instead, he just walked into the bedroom.

Andrea: Hi
Sophie: Hi
Andrea: Tired, off to bed, night
Sophie: Um, okay .. night.

And that was it

On another note: Shannon's painting skills are really coming along in leaps and bounds.
Here's her version of Van Gogh's Starry Night.

It's called, Mexican Morning.

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