Thursday 12 February 2015

Crunch Time

Sophie went to bed early. There was nothing much happening, no fires or ghostly visitations and the last party invite she got ... the host wasn't even home! She'd checked his GPS coordinates on her phone (I went into Town Mode and checked there, but this sounded much more feasible) and discovered he was out somewhere in the outskirts of campus.

So she awoke, bright and - well - not quite so early, she finally rolled out of bed at just before lunchtime despite her early night (Heavy Sleeper trait in full swing) and swallowed hard. It was crunch time. The results had been posted and it was just a matter of hoping that she'd passed.

Slowly, and nervously, she opened the envelope. Her stomach rumbled mercilessly, letting her know that she needed to eat and soon. But that just had to wait. This ... was much more important.

The suspense was killing me at this point as she peered at the results at the bottom of the page....

... and gave out one hell of a yell!!

She'd PASSED!!!!!

A 'C'!

She was so happy that the first thing she did was to phone home and let them know the good news. It was Nessa who answered.

Sophie: They're having a graduation ceremony later, think you can get everyone together and bring them over?

There was a long, uncomfortable silence. Then Nessa sighed deeply.

Nessa: Not sure about everyone else, they all seem to be busy.

Sophie's happy bubble began to deflate rapidly.

Sophie: It would be nice ...
Nessa: Hespa and I can come, if that's any consolation?

Sophie couldn't keep the bitter resentment from dripping off her tongue.

Sophie: It would have been nice for everyone ... but ... oh well. I'll see you and Hespa at the stadium then.
Nessa: Wild horses couldn't stop us!

They hung up and Sophie had lunch. Something one of the other dormies had cobbled together, but she didn't even taste it. She was so nervous about this ceremony.

She arrived at the stadium, very early, along with many others. But they were all refused entrance because they weren't wearing their graduation robes. Nessa saved the day by dashing to the dorm and grabbing the robes for Sophie. Hespa loitered towards the back of the crowd, feeling more and more uncomfortable around the gathering crowds (her Loner Trait starting to kick in)

Hespa: Breathe, just breathe. There's nothing to worry about. They're only here for the ceremony. They're not going to laugh at me.

But her calming exercises just didn't work as suddenly and without warning, she went into full meltdown.

Thankfully, nobody noticed. (apart from one Sim)

Purple Haired Student: What bright spark brought THAT freak here?

Now, be nice.

They were far too nervous about forgetting lines and tripping over their gowns to think about the strange Sim standing there screaming and freaking out.

After waiting a long time, and the door attendant being extra fussy over the dress code, they were all allowed in.

Editor's Notes:
I didn't get the 'throwing of the degree scroll' because they'd taken that long in entering the stadium that the game simply switched to loading screen before that happened. But I am happy that her hard work paid off and she passed with flying colours! 

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