Sunday 1 March 2015

Oh .... Curses and Fire Fruits!

Wondering what Nessa was doing next?
Wonder no longer as we reveal her intentions in this update.

I originally wanted to pick everyone and focus solely on their wishes, but realised that in the case of the Plumbots and Simbots, there wasn't much that they wanted - except nanites, upgrades and other technical stuff. That's why they were booted out left the Powers household.  Besides, they didn't really add that much to the wishacy anyways.

But... nuff said about that. This is where Nessa is at the moment.

Al Simhara.

It was a long standing wish of hers, so I decided to fulfil it. It seemed a shame to focus entirely on Sophie, just because she's the heiress who will (hopefully) bring us the next generation. Although, judging by the longevity of Fae folk, I can see this being a VERY long time. So I hope loads of interesting stuff happens in all that time.

Nessa: Ohhh.... wonder if there are any ghosts in camp?

Um, judging by the fact that the camp is ... deserted ... I doubt it very much.

Nessa: Oh wells, I'll try and play my guitar then and earn some Simoleans.

Er ... Ness ... I don't think you heard ... oh never mind. Oh, and by the way, how are you managing to power up your guitar, when there's no visible electrical socket in the middle of a desert landscape?

Nessa: Easy. Solar power. Blaine fixed it for me!

Oh. Okay. Wow, didn't know that. Maybe I was a bit too keen to get rid of him after all? He's proven time and time again at how useful he has been!

Anyways, you can't just loiter around here strumming your pimped up guitar, when there are adventures to be ....

Nessa: Yes I can, just like this guy here.

Uh oh. Nessa? I think you should keep away from him. He's paparazzi.

Nessa: He looks harmless enough. Besides, look at his hair! He looks like Elvis!

And so she ignored my pleas and approached this strange looking guy who looked completely out of place, and promptly asked him what kind of hair gel he used to get his hair looking the way it does.

Nessa: Yeah like, it's so cool and stuff ... and I've never seen anything like it. It must cost you a bomb in hair gel and stuff.

He was bemused at her brazen enthusiasm and funnily enough, they actually hit it off together!

Ahem, anyways, time to start your adventures. That's one of your traits isn't it? Adventurous?

Nessa: I guess so. Sooooo, what do I do?

Check the notice board.

Nessa: Oh look, one has popped up already. Collect the Fire Fruits. Hmm, that should be easy. It says I've got to find a local who'll tell me what to do.

And don't forget to stock up on supplies like food, a tent and some shower in a can!

Nessa: Oh I will!

She went a little backwards with this quest and said hello to the guy to whom she had to hand the Fire Fruits over. Oopsies. Oh well, at least they managed to get a measure of one another.

A stopover at the market, opened her eyes to another paparazzi guy .. swimming in the fountain! Um, yeah. Not a pretty sight.

In her schoolgirl Simgyptian, she managed - after a little confusion and some serious haggling - to purchase a few 'essentials' along with a map.

After carefully reading it, she discovered that her quest took her to one of the pyramids!

So, trusty cop car at her disposal (hope she doesn't get sand in the engine or Shannon will seriously flip out), she made her way to the site of the famous pyramids.

I hadn't noticed this before, but at the entrance - prior to actually going inside - there's a small platform with a wall of beautiful hieroglyphics as well as a couple of statues. So I had to take a picture.

Anyways, she entered the tomb and began her quest.

Nessa: Phew, it's really hot in here. You'd think there was a river of lava running through the place!

Perhaps there is. After all it is the Pyramid of the Burning Sands I think it actually DOES have a river of lava running through it, deep down inside!

Nessa: Ooh sounds dangerous.

Only if you are reckless and not careful. But first things first. If memory serves me well, you will come across a few 'hurdles' so to speak.

Nessa: Like piles of rubble like these?


Nessa: No problem *spits on hands, grabs pickaxe and starts hacking away at the rocks*

And some statues that have to be pushed and pulled to trigger traps.

Nessa: Got it. *pants* Oh man, these are heavier than they look.

Some doors need special items to open them.

Nessa: Like this strangely shaped key thingy I got from one of the chests?

Yep. That's the one. But I really have to warn you about ....

Nessa: Ohhh, I wonder what's in these?

Careful there, some are said to have live mummies in them!

Nessa: Mummies! Pfft. I can handle those.

But, be careful all the same. Especially around some traps. If you trigger any of those off you ....


She used two shower in a can before realising that she's got to deactivate the fire traps first before trying to cross them.

Nessa: Wow, that was close!

I did warn you.

Anyways, Nessa entered another chamber, where there were several  caskets and a sarcophagus placed. As she was searching through the caskets  ....

Uh, Ness?

Nessa: Busy here, wow, there's some seriously cool stuff in here!

*whispers* there's a mummy coming towards you.

Nessa: What you whispering about? There's only two of us .... oh.
Mummy: Who disturbs my eternal slumber?
Nessa: It's not eternal if you managed to wake up now is it?
Mummy: You woke me up because you were too noisy and now I am displeased with you!

Uh Ness? I don't think it's a good idea to backchat this mummy. He looks ticked off.

Nessa: Pffft. Told you. I can handle these things .. no problem!

And that's when the mummy pounced, and the dust kicked up as the two of them wrestled, punched and threw each other around.

Sadly for poor Nessa, the mummy was the victor this time, sending her hurtling along on her bum before disappearing  back into the sarcophagus.

I'm so glad she didn't get the Mummy's Curse. But the fight really took it out of her as she fell into a dead faint in the chamber. When she recovered, she felt completely exhausted and because there was no real indication of what the time was - due to her being so deep in the belly of the tomb - she decided to pitch her tent and crash for a few hours.

It lasted a lot longer than she'd anticipated because a whole day had passed outside - cutting her vacation time considerably - and this meant that she'd better get a move on and complete her quest before time (and her vacation) ran out.

Eventually, after setting off traps and finding endless secret doors, she found the chamber housing the Fire Fruits. It was quite a substantial and cavernous chamber actually!

Carefully harvesting them all, she made her way out of the tomb and back to the guy who needed them in the first place.

He told her that since she'd gotten this far, she should continue on and go to the next step. But the minute she arrived at her destination, she decided that one adventure was enough.

Besides, her vacation was almost over. She only had just enough time to get back to base camp and grab a slice of bread and jam.

And then she was headed back home!

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