We need another baby.
Austin blinked and almost choked on his slice of cake.
It had literally only been seconds after Hannah's transition, they're busy tucking into the birthday cake and Shannon drops that clanger onto him.
Yeah, sure. Same place?
No, somewhere different.
Any ideas?
How about the treehouse? That's how we got William.
I'm not really sure to be honest, I can't keep track of where they WooHoo nowadays and which method is proving the most successful in getting her pregnant. So I'll just go along with the flow for now.
Lets wait until we've finshed our cake shall we?
Oh hang on, Hannah's hungry. Shall I feed her on the floor or put her in the high chair
Up to you baby.
High chair it is.
So, Shannon plonks Hannah in the high chair and is just about to serve her some food when Austin accosts her.
Shall we get busy?
There's still .....
... oh never mind, lets head for the treehouse.
By now, Hannah is frustrated to hell. She's hungry, tired, and she wants attention...
.... NOW!!
There was a cute pic of Hannah, but Boney decided to photo bomb the pic and spoil it.
Thanks Boney.
No pics of Austin and Shannon getting busy in the treehouse. When you've seen it once, you've seen it too many times and it gets a bit boring after a while.
It was Blaine to the rescue instead. Although I am a little concerned about Blaine dripping oil into the baby food like that. I'm not sure if that's a healthy thing really.
And then it was cuddle/snuggle time.
Funny little thing isn't she?
Yes Blaine, she is.
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