Thursday 18 July 2013

Chapter Thirty Four - The 'Invisible Woman'

Shannon and Austin were suddenly at loggerheads with one another. Spooky Day had arrived and both of them had a difference of opinion as to what kind of party to host. Shannon wanted a Feast Party, claiming that this was a great way of saving on all the cooking by eating the leftovers.

Austin however, opted for a Costume Party, saying that it would be much more fun. Plus, some folks would bring food anyways, just not great big platefuls that would probably be wasted.

Austin won out and the Costume Party was organised.

So Shannon decided to hold her own here and silently protest in her own unique fashion.

By dressing up as the 'invisible woman'.

Seriously, I haven't a clue what happened. One minute she's wearing her gorgeous medieval outfit, the next, she's wearing .... THIS!!!

Everyone loved it and paid her a lot more attention than they did to Austin.

Austin wasn't best pleased, but, since this was his party, he had to suck it up, dress in his costume - burglar - and mingle.

Shannon made fast friends with virtually everyone there, even going as far as rubbing the belly of a rather playful werewolf!!

Witnessed by a teenage zombie of all things.
You guys are WEIRD!

The party ended up as epic, as one by one, everyone left feeling happy that they'd attended!

But, as the moondial proved. Once again, it was a Full Moon and the zombies came out in force.
One, a teenager of all things, decided to hang around the house, listening to music and watching the TV !!!

By now, Shannon was exhausted and went to bed. But Austin was still buzzing, and decided that he needed to boost his logic skill up a little further.

And up popped a zombie, right in front of him!


In a tick dearie, I've just got to zoom the lenses on this telescope.

She looks exasperated there, doesn't she?


Well, that's YOUR fault now isn't it?
He's getting used to these odd folks now isn't he?

Yeah, well, when your future wife suddenly changes into a zombie during one of your dates, it certainly adjusts your perception of Simming life now, doesn't it?

Point taken.

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