Monday 8 July 2013

Chapter Twenty Five - Birthday, and Mid Life Crises

I'd completely forgot that it was also Austin's birthday. So, after the 'date from hell' he got home to try and sleep off his exhaustion, but ended up getting back out of bed to celebrate his transition -- all alone.

Wahey!!! Sparkles!!! Ohh pretty!

Uh, what's happening?
Your transition.
Ah, right....

Oh man, I look SEXAY!!!!
Ugh, that hair has GOT to go!

Off to CAS we go.
CAS? What's that?
My own personal makeover station.
Ah right. Does that mean a nip and a tuck?
No, just a haircut.

There, that's much better, even though now, he's got a few fine lines and wrinkles....
What wrinkles? I don't have any wrinkles, my skin is smooth as a baby's  ..
That's enough Austin, please, keep it clean here.
But I'm just saying, that's all.
Don't care, now, just shush.
Don't shush me.

*roll eyes*

Anyways, as I was saying, Austin transitioned into an adult. And almost instantly, developed a mid life crisis.

I'm going nowhere in my life.
And whose fault is that?
Um, nooooo, you're the one in control here, not me. Not my fault you are wishing for the wrong stuff....
... consistently.

If you are wondering what the bright glowy thing is, it WAS a unicorn.
Unicorn? Nobody told me those things exist.
Yep, they do.
Why didn't I see them?
You were called into work
Ah bummer.
Yeah, I know. I was hoping it would hang around a little longer but meh.
What was I doing at work?

Undercover, at the Science Lab.
Ah yes, I remember. Fascinating reports there.
Of what?
Can't tell you, strictly confidential.

Anyways, Austin rolled wishes galore, the majority of them being Mid Life Crisis related, including one that meant changing jobs. Uh no. I ignored that one, I fully intend him to achieve his LTW International Super Spy before he gets much older and changing careers halfway through his life, is NOT a good idea. (he's already at level 8 of the Law Enforcement career now, not long to go!! YAY!!)

He wanted an expensive car. There was only enough room for one driveway, and that held his patrol car. So I gave him a new gadget, a tablet or whatever it is called in game. He rolled a wish to learn a Handiness skill, so I got him to buy books online and use the tabcast to learn the skill at the same time (smart huh?)

That reminds me.

Or should I call her Lazy Bones?

She spent more time than enough, sitting READING, whilst the clothes lay scattered around the place, emitting green stinky vapours. There's a washing machine and a tumble dryer, sitting doing nothing. And that's all she was doing. Oh, clear away the occasional plate and newspaper, and then back to her books.

I'm considering getting rid of her and hoping that he'll wish to hire a maid.

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